
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jxncjwt
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我们齐鲁石化工程公司党委近几年来的工作实践证明,作为基层党组织,只有贯彻好“三个代表”重要思想,才能保持健全的理论思维和创新能力,发挥好政治核心作用,也才能经受住改革发展中遇到的各种考验。把加强政治理论学习放在党委工作最前沿。我们认为,基层党委第一位的任务是抓好学习,特别是要学习政治理论。这不仅因为我们是国有企业,一千多名职工中有六百多名是党员,更重要的是抓学习的出发点和落脚点都是为了更好地贯彻“三个代表”思想,进一步推动企业的改革发展。为此, The work practices of the party committees of Qilu Petrochemical Engineering Company in recent years have proved that as a grass-roots party organization, only by implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ can we maintain a sound theoretical thinking and innovative ability, play a key political role, and can withstand the Various tests encountered in the reform and development. Strengthen the study of political theory at the forefront of the work of party committees. We believe that the task of grass-roots party committees at the top level is to do a good job in learning, and in particular, to study political theory. This is not only because we are a state-owned enterprise, and over 600 of the more than 1,000 employees are party members. What is more important is that the starting point and the end result of our learning are to better implement the “three represents” thinking and further promote the enterprise Reform and development. to this end,
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