1999年12月20日,庄严的中华人民共和国国歌一遍遍在濠江之畔奏响,充满希望色彩的莲花区旗伴随着鲜艳的五星红旗在澳门半岛升起。澳门回到祖国的怀抱.遍布世界每一个角落的中国人透过荧屏耳闻目睹了这激越的历史瞬间。在这个举国欢腾的不眠之夜。各报的记者编辑们也在忙碌着在这一天的报纸上展示才华,记录历史,为读者献上一份份划时代的报章。 潜心尽力修盛事 浓墨重彩泼华章 12月20日各报给人的总体感觉首先是浓眉大眼,浓墨重彩。大字标题、大幅照片在各报的版面上均唱了主角,以澳门回归命名的专版及栏目比比皆
On December 20, 1999, the solemn national anthem of the People’s Republic of China was playing over and over the banks of the River of Hope. The flag of lotus with full of hope rose along with the colorful five-star red flag in the peninsula of Macao. Macao returned to the embrace of the motherland, and the Chinese people in every corner of the world witnessed this exciting historical moment through the screen. Sleepless nights in this nation. Newspaper editors of newspapers also busy in this day’s newspaper display talent, record history, presented to readers a piece of epoch-making newspapers. Dedicated efforts to repair the event pouring heavy sprinkling Chinese Chapter December 20 Each newspaper gives the overall feeling is first and foremost thick eyebrows, thick ink. Large headline, a large photo of the newspaper in the pages all sing the protagonist of Macau’s return to the special page and section named abound