享有“印刷界奥斯卡”美誉的 drupa2008即将开幕,作为印刷业界众多高新技术的前沿战地,drupa 展会每次都能带给印刷业众多惊喜。无可否认,drupa2004上最吸引人的技术当属数字技术,我们期待的drupa2008,又可看见哪些令人耳目一新的数字技术呢?笔者浏览各相关网站,查阅各厂商资料,大胆预测了此次 drupa 展会上数字技术的十大看点,邀请您一起展望展会上的数字精彩!
The drupa2008, which enjoys a reputation of “the Oscars in the Printing Industry”, is about to open. As the cutting edge of many high-tech printing industries, the drupa show brings many surprises to the printing industry each time. Admittedly, drupa2004 on the most attractive technology is the digital technology, we look forward to drupa2008, but also see what a refreshing digital technology? I browse the relevant websites, access to various manufacturers data, boldly predicted the drupa The show’s top ten spots of digital technology, inviting you to look forward to the wonderful digital show!