祸起振阳路 2000年2月5日,正是农历大年三十,上海宝钢集团公司人事科原科长别如跃,驾着一辆奥迪车,从上海赶回江苏射阳老家探亲,晚上在县城的岳母家吃饭。女婿上门,又逢佳节,这顿饭的丰盛自不必说,别如跃兴致很高,开怀畅饮。饭后,接到在县城的一个朋友的电话,邀其叙叙。别如跃趁着酒兴驾车去了。返回时已经是晚上9点多钟,车经合德镇振阳街振阳桥南侧路段时,突
On February 5, 2000, it was the Lunar New Year’s Eve of the Lunar New Year, and the former Chief of Personnel Section of Shanghai Baosteel Corporation did not make such a leap. He drove an Audi car from Shanghai back to his hometown of Sheyang, Jiangsu Province to visit his relatives, Night in the county’s mother-and-child eating. Son-in-law, but also every festivals, since the abundance of this meal Needless to say, do not jump as high, happy drink. After dinner, I received a phone call from a friend in the county town to invite her to recount Syria. Do not jump like wine while driving to go. Back is already 9 o’clock in the evening, the car by the Zhende Zhenyang Street Zhen Yang Bridge on the south side of the road, suddenly