生石灰是一种很好的池塘清塘和消毒药物,在池塘中施放,能杀死鱼类的病虫害;能改良水质,增加水的缓冲性;能改良池塘的土质;能直接起施肥作用;还能提高池水的pH值。可以说在高产精养池塘中是一种必不可少的药物。但近年来,随着集约化养殖程度的不断提高,鱼池的淤泥加厚,水深变浅,粉质饲料的增加等综合因素,致使一些养殖户在使用生石灰,由於方法不当,不仅效果甚微,更为严重的是引起泛塘,损失惨重。现就笔者在多年实践中的有关经验与读者交流: 1.生石灰必须是没有水化的块石灰
Quicklime is a good pond Clear ponds and disinfectants, applied in the pond, can kill fish pests and diseases; to improve water quality and increase water cushion; can improve the pond soil; can directly play the role of fertilizers; also Can improve the pH of the pool water. It can be said that in high-yield intensive pond is an essential drug. However, in recent years, with the continuous improvement of intensive farming, the comprehensive utilization of silt in thickened ponds, shallow water and increased silt feed resulted in the use of quicklime by some farmers. Due to improper methods, More serious is caused by Pan Tong, suffered heavy losses. Now on the author in the practice of many years of experience and readers exchange: 1. Raw lime must be non-hydrated block lime