80年代中期以来 ,进入黄河下游河道的流量大幅度减小 ,河道发生萎缩 ,并且频繁断流 ,使游荡河道的一些河段发育了畸形河湾。游荡段的畸湾是冲积性河湾受到节点限制的情况下 ,由于流量减小导致湾道进行自我调整的过程中出现的一种特殊现象 ,反映改变了的水流条件与原有人为工程条件不相适应而出现的一种剧烈的河势调整和河床形态调整。畸湾的发育使弯曲系数增大 ,河段比降减小 ,故流速减慢 ,因而在同流量下水位壅高 ;畸湾还常常导致横河、斜河现象的出现 ,使防洪面临很大的压力。对于这种现象进行深入研究并进而找到可行的对策 ,在治黄上具有十分重要的理论意义和工程意义
Since the mid-1980s, the flow into the lower reaches of the Yellow River has been greatly reduced, and the rivers have shrunk and have been cut off frequently, resulting in the development of deformities in some river sections of the wandering river. Wandering section of the abyss is the alluvial riverbed subject to nodes in the case, as a result of traffic flow led to Bay Road self-adjustment process of a special phenomenon that reflects the changed water flow conditions and the original artificial conditions are not In response to the emergence of a dramatic adjustment of the river and bed shape adjustment. The development of malformation Bay make the bending coefficient increases, the river section decreases, so the flow rate is slowed down, so the water level at the same flow 壅 high; abnormal Bay also often leads to the emergence of Yokogawa, ramp River, flood control is facing a great pressure. In-depth study of this phenomenon and then find a viable response to the Yellow River has a very important theoretical and engineering significance