This article reports 4 cases of children with nephrotic syndrome and cerebral thrombosis and introduction of re-use of blood circulation, Yiqi Tongluo medicine with western medicine. 4 cases of male and female in 2 cases, age 2 years 10 months to 7 years old, duration of 3 to 14 months. Concurrent with cerebral thrombosis before diuretic swelling, combined with severe infection. Sudden onset of headache, after convulsions coma, only after convulsions clear consciousness, paralysis on one side of the performance paralysis, crooked mouth, aphasia, hemianopia and other symptoms, combined with special examination confirmed that 3 cases and right cerebral thrombosis, 1 case and left Cerebral thrombosis, the results of 1 case of death, 3 cases of successful rescue. Cerebral thrombosis in children rare, but nephropathy patients easily lead to hypercoagulable state. This group of 1 patients died of pathological examination showed changes in cerebral arteriosclerosis, which is the pathological basis of concurrent cerebral thrombosis. this