【摘 要】
Due to PK events, Sansheng fortunate, May 4 4:30 am into the fog, into Baoyuan Baoyuan - Buddha light peak. I was blind, the first big, my God! 600 meters cliff, three of the fuselage six heads, a 600 mm head, accompanied by the staff, we together to the top.
Response surface methodology(RSM) is introduced into corrosion research as a tool to assess the effects of environmental factors and their interactions on corro
S 一o 深切悼念海洋化学家李法西教授……………………………………………………林植青、郑建禄(1) 巴林塘海峡两端夏季上层海水温、盐铅直分布的差异……………………………
Widely distributed in the seas of the world, the genus Symplectocyphus was first established by Marktanner-Turne-retsher in 1890. Since then there have been ab
Jn this paper, the numerical simulation of the latitude position variation of subtropical high ridge line is made by using the two dimensional zonal average mo
The average concentration of total Sn in surface layer is 2.90 μg/1 and that of total Bi 0.50 μg/1. The free ion, bound and particulate forms of Sn in Changj
先进的气象图象和图形分析系统(Advanced Meterorological Image and Graph-ics Analysis System),以下简称AMIGASⅡ,是国家海洋局海洋环境预报研究中心引进的CYBER 180/840计