20 0 1年 7月 ,杨州检验检疫局在检疫 1批 530 0多m3进口马来西亚原木时 ,截获到 1种象白蚁 ,经鉴定并经江苏局植检实验室复核为哈氏象白蚁Nasutitermeshavilandi (Desneux)。关于该白蚁的形态描述 ,过去曾有过报道 ,但经与实物及Thapa所描
In July 2001, Yangzhou Inspection and Quarantine Bureau intercepted 1 species of termites while quarantining 1 batch of more than 530 0 m3 of imported logs from Malaysia. It was identified and tested by the Bureau of Phytosanitary Laboratories in Jiangsu Province as a termites such as Nasutitermeshavilandi ( Desneux). Morphological descriptions of the termites have been reported in the past but have been described in physical terms and by Thapa