Learning strategies for success in design studies

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  Using learning strategies is the most effective way to help students get good grades. It is also the shortest way for people to achieve their goals. In particular, learning strategies have been creative by many professions for a long time. There are several strategies for success in design studies, which are organization、note-taking and elaboration.
  The first kind of strategy for success in design study is organization. “One useful strategy is outling the material, which may be especially helpful for low-achieving students.” (Ormrod, 2008) Outling can help students to know the most important knowledge. So students can read the most important materials which is highlight. Another approach is to make a concept map, a diagram that depicts the concepts of a unit and their interrelationships (Ormrod, 2008) Making a content map can let students to know the connection between the two different things and the relationship on many types of knowledge. (Ormrod, 2008) Students have to make their materials clearer, so that they can easy to find it. Ormrod(2008) stated that “the organizational structure of the material becomes clearer, giving us a better idea about how to sequence the presentation of ideas.” Planning scheduling is another useful way to organize well. Students have to start small things first, and step by step to finish the big work. Dong (2016) suggested that “start small by doing things little by little.” Not only are organization strategies helpful for students but also for workers. Organization strategy is also significant for the one who is working in an office. Dong (2016) stated that “force yourself to organize your files, to clean your work space, to make a to-do list, schedule tasks and set deadlines for yourself.” On the contrary, the one who is disordered in his life, is obvious disordered in his work and he will be fair by the boss.
  The second kind of strategy for success in design study is note-taking. Using symbols is an essential way to write down something important quickly. Writing Key words is another useful way to keep something important. “In general, students who take more notes learn and remember classroom subject matter better.” (Ormrod,2008) Ormrod (2008) stated that “the quality of the notes is equally important.” Useful notes typically reflect the main idea of a lesson or reading assignment. (Ormrod, 2008) Because the knowledge is too much and too difficult for students to remember, especially through the whole year. Students will forget many information if they do not keep down notes. Ormrod(2008) identify that “good notes seem to be especially important for students who have little prior knowledge about the subject matter they are studying.” Making a to-do list is the most popular way for modern people who work at the company. Because it can help people finish the all things before the nest meeting.   The third kind of strategy for success in design study is elaboration. One elaboration strategy that is helpful to students is creating analogies. Giving more information to someone who is not understand the questions, and the information is similar with the questions. Creating summarizes is an effective way to success in design studies. Dong (2016) stated that “force yourself to organize your files, to clean your work space, to make a to-do list, schedule tasks and set deadlines for yourself.” So students have to tidy up pieces of papers which teacher give to students. “At first, we should restrict summarizing assignments to short、simple、and well-organized passages involuing material which students are familiar” (Ormrod,2008). Weinsten and Meyer (1991) identified that “types of elaboration strategies include paraphrasing、summarizing、and applying a problem-saving strategy.” Thought summarizing is complex and difficult for students to do well, but it is a perfect way to study well. Ormrod (2008) states that “at a minimum it includes distinguishing between important and un important information.” Not only elaboration strategy is important for students but also essential for people who work at the company. Comparing it and think over and over again to select the best one. Grunfeld (2011) said that “it is not how good you are, it is how good you want to be and coming access this sentence ‘without having a goal, it is difficult to score’.” It is also good for people who work at a company to use summarizing strategy to clean up the complex portfolios which boss give it to you. “Employers have to review hundreds of portfolios, so stand out with self-initiated personal projects-it shows you are proactive and passionate.”(Jamieson, 2015)
  To sum up, there are already many useful strategies at that time. Learning strategies can help students solve the problems easily. Not only improving the learning efficiency, but also saving the students’ time. However, all learning strategies is so important that can make people success in design studies or in the future.
  [1]Dong, J. (2016), How to develop your organization skill.
  [2]Grunfeld, N. (2011) 'Achieving career goals'. Creative and Cultural Skills. [Online] Accessed 3rd April 2016 .
  [3]Jamieson, P. (2015) '10 top tips for landing a creative job'. Creative and Cultural Skills. [Online] Accessed 3rd April 2016 .
  [4]Ormrod, J. (2008) Educational psychology developing learners, Merill, Pearson Education.
  [5]Weinstein, C. & Meyer, k, (1991). Cognitive Learning strategies and College Teaching.
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