一、烹调对蔬菜营养成分的影响新鲜蔬菜足人类所需要的谁生素C的主要来源,也是维生素A、B的重要来源。因此,在烹用中如何保存维生素很重要。蔬菜烹煮时维生素B_1B_2和准生素C都会溶到汤里,维生素C容易被热损坏,特别是在接触到铜器、碱液和延长烹煮时间的情况下,损坏更多。准生素B_1B_2也因热而被损坏。热对胡萝卜素的影响却很少。下面就蒸、煮、炒三种烹调方法来分析对蔬菜的影响; 蒸——一般青菜不收缩,所以损失无机
First, the impact of cooking on the nutritional content of vegetables Fresh vegetables enough human beings who need the main source of vitamin C, vitamin A, B is also an important source. Therefore, how to preserve vitamins in cooking is very important. Vegetables, cooking vitamin B_1B_2 and quasi-vitamin C will be dissolved in the soup, vitamin C is easily damaged by heat, especially in contact with bronze, lye and extended cooking time, more damage. The biotin B_1B_2 is also damaged by heat. Fever on carotene but little effect. The following steamed, boiled, fried three kinds of cooking methods to analyze the impact on vegetables; steamed - general vegetables do not shrink, so the loss of inorganic