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激光的英文名称是Laser,是“Light Amplificaion by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”的缩写。顾名思义,它表示一种受激辐射光放大发射器,也表示受激辐射光放大发射光,简称受激光发射器或受激发射光或光激射器。Laser有时表示激光,有时表示激光器,音译为莱塞或镭射。 一、自然光的产生 普通光源的发光是由于原子能级的跃迁而产生的自发辐射,其辐射光频率(或波长)与跃迁能级之间的关系可以用下式表达。 v=E_2-E_1/h式中E_2为上能级能量,E_1为下能级能量,v为辐射光频率,h为普朗克常数。 这些发光原子是大量独立振子,振子的自发辐射光波不是单色的,不同振子发出的光波的相位也是随机变化的,所以自然光不是单频相干光。 假设在t时刻上能级的粒子数为N_2,由于自发辐射,这些粒子的衰减速率为 Laser English name is Laser, is “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation” acronym. As the name implies, it indicates a stimulated radiation amplification amplifier, also said stimulated emission of light amplification emission, referred to as the laser emitter or stimulated emission or light lasers. Laser sometimes represents a laser, sometimes a laser, transliterated as a raschel or laser. First, the production of natural light Ordinary light source is emitted due to the atomic level transition generated spontaneous emission, the radiation frequency (or wavelength) and the transition between the energy level can be expressed using the following formula. v = E_2-E_1 / h where E_2 is the upper energy level, E_1 is the lower energy level, v is the radiation frequency, and h is Planck’s constant. These luminous atoms are a large number of independent oscillators. The spontaneous emission of the oscillators is not monochromatic, and the phases of the light waves emitted by different oscillators change randomly. Therefore, natural light is not single-frequency coherent light. Assuming that the number of energy level particles at time t is N_2, the decay rate of these particles due to spontaneous emission is
长输管道干线改造施工需要在短时间内完成 ,其中关键的工序是管线对口。本文对长输管道干线施工对口存在的质量缺陷进行了阐述 ,对缺陷形成的原因进行了比较详尽的分析 ,在此
一是周密安排部署。下发了《关于2009年全市公共机构节能宣传周活动安排意见的通知》和《烟台市公共机构节能联络员工作制度》,转发了《山东省公共机构节能管理办 First, c
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7月7日,由交通部办公厅主持的《高速公路管理体制研究》课题通过了部组织的专家评审。 80年代中期以来,我国高速公路以前所未有的速度和规模发展。与此同时,高速公路的管理