新生儿为了生存需要从周期性的呼吸形式变成连续性的呼吸形式,早产儿呼吸中枢发育不成熟,易发生呼吸暂停。早产儿呼吸暂停(Apnea of prematurity,AOP)的发生率随着胎龄的增加而降低。早产儿本身神经系统发育不成熟,而呼吸暂停时常伴有脑血流量减少导致脑损伤,如果严重的反复发作的呼吸暂停处理不当,可以导致脑室周围白质软化、脑性瘫痪、耳聋等不良后果[1],故减少AOP的发生对早产儿远期预后有重要影响。本文就AOP的诊治进展进行综述。
In order to survive, the newborn needs to change from periodic breathing patterns to continuous breathing patterns. The respiratory center of premature infants is immature and prone to apnea. The incidence of Apnea of prematurity (AOP) decreases with increasing gestational age. The premature infant’s own nervous system is immature, while apnea is often accompanied by a decrease in cerebral blood flow leading to brain damage. If severe repeated episodes of apnea are not properly handled, periventricular leukomalacia, cerebral palsy, deafness and other adverse consequences [ 1], so to reduce the occurrence of AOP on the long-term prognosis of preterm children have a significant impact. This article reviews the progress of AOP diagnosis and treatment.