嫁接后的杜鹃、山茶,怎样管理才能成活率高呢?这里介绍一种简便的方法——窖藏法,即把已嫁接好(不套袋)的花苗存放于地窖中养护。采用此法,成活率可达95%以上。具体方法是: 1.挖一地窖,深度、大小以能容下准备存放的花苗高度及花盆直径为准。挖好后灌一次大水,使土壤湿润,地面上要铺一些砖,以保证盆底不直接与土壤接触。然后将嫁接好的花苗连同花盆移入,窖顶设置支撑物和塑料膜(塑料膜与接穗之间要保留一定空隙),用土将膜压好,防止透气。
After the grafted rhododendron, camellia, how to manage the survival rate is high? Here is a simple method - cellaring method, which has been grafted (not bagging) flower seedlings stored in the cellar conservation. Using this method, the survival rate of up to 95%. The specific method is: 1. Dig a cellar, depth, size to accommodate the height of the flower seedlings to be stored and flowerpot diameter prevail. After dug a big flood, make the soil moist, the ground to shop some bricks to ensure that the pelvic floor does not directly contact with the soil. Then the grafted seedlings together with pots moved into the top of the pit to set up a support and plastic film (plastic film and scion to maintain a certain gap between), with the soil membrane pressure is good, to prevent ventilation.