Defensive flat pumping first and foremost passive defense. Squat position to reduce the center of gravity, back to try to backhand based. Grip to be flexible use. Back to the ball despite the network over, blocking the opponent caused great pressure. Offensive flat pumping is mainly to kill the ball in the middle and half, take the initiative to attack the main. The goal is to put pressure on your opponents, get them on their own initiative, or stay in the offensive. Attack flat pumping action essentials are: arm driven wrist, wrist force should be short, do not pull too long, move to see the other side of the ball to the line, ahead of the ball in place to run. Head coach Li Yongbo Tip: Defensive flat pumping is usually a passive technology used in the case, with the speed and strength to make themselves from the defensive to offensive. Offensive draw is in the active case of the technology used, and the seal has similarities require the player’s beats are always held high, continuous hit the other at the high point.