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将BNP和AT-Ⅱ、ACTH AVP单独或BNP与这3种肽分别合并在大鼠icv或iv注入后观察血Ald浓度的变化。实验结果表明:①iv给予AVP(5μg/3ml·h~(-1))、ACTH(5μg/3ml·h~(-1))和AT-Ⅱ(5 v.g/3 ml·h(-1)),1h后均能增加血Ald的浓度。iv给予BNP(5μg/3ml·h(-1))能明显抑制AVP和ACTH的刺激作用,而不影响AT-Ⅱ的刺激作用。②icv给予BNP(2 Vg/10 pl NS)能降低血Aid浓度。icv给予AVP(2μg/10μl NS)能增加血Aid浓度,但ACTH(2μg/10μl NS)和AT-Ⅱ(2μg/10μl NS)无此种作用。但如脑室同时给予BNP(2μg/10μlNS)却可明显刺激Aid分泌。③icv注入BNP对外周注入的3种多肽的刺激作用无任何影响。从上述的实验结果可看出:脑内BNP可“反常”地增加AT-Ⅱ、ACTH和AVP对Ald分泌的刺激作用,与外周抑制AVP,ACTH的刺激作用不同。而脑内BNP不影响这3种多肽的外周刺激作用。结论是脑内BNP以其独特的方式调节Ald的分泌,控制水盐代谢。 BNP and AT-Ⅱ, ACTH AVP alone or BNP and these three peptides were combined in the rat icv or iv after injection of blood concentration changes were observed. The results showed that: ①iviv given AVP (5μg / 3ml · h -1), ACTH (5μg / 3ml · h -1) and AT-Ⅱ (5 vg / 3 ml · h -1) , 1h can increase the concentration of blood Ald. iv administration of BNP (5μg / 3ml · h (-1)) could significantly inhibit the stimulation of AVP and ACTH without affecting the stimulation of AT-Ⅱ. ②icv given BNP (2 Vg / 10 pl NS) can reduce blood Aid concentration. Administration of icv to AVP (2 μg / 10 μl NS) increased blood Aid concentrations but did not induce ACTH (2 μg / 10 μl NS) and AT-II (2 μg / 10 μl NS). However, if intraventricular administration of BNP (2μg / 10μlNS) can significantly stimulate Aid secretion. ③icv injection of BNP on the peripheral injection of three kinds of peptide stimulation had no effect. From the above experimental results, it can be seen that BNP can “abnormally” increase the stimulatory effects of AT-II, ACTH and AVP on Ald secretion and have different stimulatory effects on inhibiting AVP and ACTH peripherally. BNP does not affect the peripheral brain stimulation of these three peptides. The conclusion is that BNP modulates Ald secretion in its unique way and controls water and salt metabolism.
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本文主要讨论切削颤振的预报方法和控制方案。在研究过渡切削过程各个动态切削参数变化规律的基础上,本文提出以特征系数M 作为预报参数,M=H_1~2·σ_F~2/σ_α~2。当M 值超