例 (1997年第六届华杯赛决赛初一组第一试第3题)一段跑道长100米,甲、乙分别从A、 B端点同时相向出发,各以每秒6米和每秒4.5米的速度在跑道上来回往返练习跑步.问:在10分钟内(包括第10分钟),甲和乙在途中迎面相遇多少次?甲在途中追上乙多少次?甲和乙在A、B两端点共相遇多少次?
Example (the first question of the first test of the 6th China Cup Cup Finals in 1997) The runway is 100 meters long. Both A and B start at the same time from the A and B endpoints, each at 6 meters per second and 4.5 meters per second. The speed commuted back and forth on the runway to practice running. Q: How many times did A and B meet on the way in 10 minutes (including the 10th minute)? How many times did A catch on the way? A and B in A and B. How many times did the endpoint meet?