近廿年来国外对山楂的化学、药理和制剂发表了很多研究报告。好几个国家已做成山楂制剂在市场上出售,由于其具有强心,增加冠状动脉血流量、降低血压、降低血中胆固醇的沉着等作用,在心血管疾病方面有很广泛的用途。国外使用的山楂是英国山植(Crataegus oxy-cantha)和单子山楂(Crataegus monogyna),有人证明这两种山楂的成分基本相同,均可作为药用,已列入德、法等国药典。一般认为中国的大果山楂(C.Pinnatifida)与英国山植(C.oxycantha)是同一品
In recent years, many reports on the chemistry, pharmacology, and preparation of hawthorn have been published. Several countries have already made hawthorn preparations on the market. Because of their strong heart, increased coronary blood flow, lower blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol, etc., they have a wide range of uses in cardiovascular diseases. The hawthorn used abroad is Crataegus oxy-cantha and Crataegus monogyna. It has been proved that the composition of these two hawthorns is basically the same and can be used as medicine. It has been listed in the Pharmacopoeia of Germany and France. It is generally believed that Chinese C. pinnatifida is the same product as C. oxycantha.