凌君武 号九壶。1962年生于苏州,中国美术家协会会员、中国版画家协会会员。1998年于中央美术学院版画系攻读硕士学位,毕业后留校任教。2001年任教于苏州教育学院美术系至今。作品多次入选“全国版画展”、“全国三版展”及“国际版画展”。曾获“第16届全国版画展”铜奖及“第二届全国金彩奖”优秀作品奖。1999年获中国版画家协会颁发的“鲁迅版画奖”。在全国性刊物上发表论文多篇,著有《水印版画技法》一书。
Ling Jun Wu number nine pot. Born in Suzhou in 1962, member of Chinese Artists Association, member of China Print Engraving Association. In 1998, he graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts for a master’s degree in printmaking department. In 2001 he taught at Suzhou Institute of Education Art Department so far. Selected works repeatedly selected “National Print Exhibition”, “National Third Edition Exhibition” and “International Print Exhibition.” Won the “16th National Print Exhibition” Bronze Award and “Second National Gold Award” Award for outstanding works. In 1999 by the Chinese version of the painter’s association awarded the “Lu Xun print award.” In the national journals published many articles, author of “Watermark Engraving Techniques” book.