大名鼎鼎的苹果专卖店也有山寨版?近日,笔者从江苏省无锡工商局南长分局获悉,当地一些挂着“苹果专卖”、“Apple Store”、“苹果体验中心”牌子的门店竟然不是正宗的授权经销商,消费者如果在这些店里买了苹果产品,合法权益很难得到保障。无锡工商部门根据举报,对无锡14家山寨苹果专卖店进行了查处。
Recently, I learned from the Bureau of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, South Branch of the South Branch, some hung “Apple Monopoly”, “Apple Store ”, “Apple Experience Center ” brand Stores actually not authentic authorized dealers, consumers buy Apple products in these stores, the legitimate rights and interests is difficult to be protected. Wuxi Industry and Commerce Department based on the report, the Wuxi cottage 14 Apple stores were investigated.