我们用强力宁注射液,治疗病毒性肝炎109例,取得满意疗效。 材料与方法 病例选择按1985年南宁会议病毒性肝炎修订的诊断标准。109例均系住院病例,其中急性黄疸型肝炎68例、急性无黄疸型肝炎15例、慢迁肝16例、慢活肝10例。男性71例、女性38例。年龄9~55岁,平均35岁。NBsAg阳性38例,HBeAg阳性18例。治疗方法:强力宁80ml加入10%葡萄糖液500ml,每d1以静滴(儿童40~60ml加入10%葡萄糖液300~500ml静滴1次/d),2周为1疗程。治疗3个疗程无效者改用其他保肝药物治疗。 治疗效果 用强力宁治疗的109例中,105例达
We use strong Ning injection, the treatment of viral hepatitis in 109 cases, and achieved satisfactory results. Materials and Methods Selected cases according to the 1985 meeting of Nanning revised diagnostic criteria for viral hepatitis. 109 cases were hospitalized cases, including 68 cases of acute jaundice hepatitis, 15 cases of acute jaundice hepatitis, 16 cases of slow-moving liver, slow-living liver in 10 cases. 71 males and 38 females. Ages 9 to 55 years old, average 35 years old. 38 cases of positive NBsAg, HBeAg positive in 18 cases. Treatment: strong Ning 80ml 10% glucose solution 500ml, every d1 to intravenous infusion (children 40 ~ 60ml 10% glucose solution 300 ~ 500ml intravenous infusion 1 / d), 2 weeks for a course of treatment. 3 treatment of ineffective treatment with other liver drugs. The treatment effect with strong Ning treatment of 109 cases, up to 105 cases