王某 ,女性 ,4 8岁 ,1 998年 8月 1 2日初诊。患者诉近几年来自感记忆力明显下降 ,精神不能集中 ,上肢偶有单侧抖动 ,时有头晕头痛。 2个月来头部不自主摇动 ,数秒钟后自行停止 ,每日发作次数不等。近 3日来 ,头部震颤次数增频 ,伴纳呆心烦 ,便秘。经西医诊断为“震颤麻痹综合
Wang, female, 4 years old, first diagnosed on August 12th, 1998. The patient’s v. memory performance in recent years has decreased significantly, the spirit can not be concentrated, and the upper limb is occasionally unilaterally dithered, with dizziness and headache. Involute the head involuntarily for 2 months, stop after a few seconds, and the number of episodes varies daily. In the past 3 days, the frequency of head tremors has increased, with nausea and constipation. Western medicine diagnosed as "tremor paralysis comprehensive