
来源 :内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iloveyouggyyvc
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双机械臂协调控制是实现机器人仿人控制的重要环节,实现协调控制需要依据完成任务的特点建模以及研究新的控制算法支持.本文对目前双机械臂建模方法、协调控制算法的研究进展进行了综述.建模是在刚性建模的基础上加入不同约束完成;控制算法涉及主从协调控制,自适应控制和视觉伺服控制以及其它智能控制算法.针对柔性操作对象,为实现控制目标,考虑增加对象的振动、机械臂运动产生的额外作用力、夹持对象的反作用力,介绍了控制机械臂运动的对应算法.还介绍了在人机协作领域目前的最新研究成果,并且分析控制方法目前存在的问题,对研究工作的发展趋势进行了展望. Coordinated control of two-arm robots is an important part of humanoid robot control, and it is necessary to build a coordinated control system based on the characteristics of the task to be completed and to study the new control algorithm support.In this paper, the current research progress of the two-arm manipulator modeling method and coordinated control algorithm Is introduced.Modeling is done by adding different constraints based on rigid modeling.The control algorithm involves master-slave coordinated control, adaptive control and visual servoing control and other intelligent control algorithms.For the flexible operation object, in order to achieve the control objectives, Considering the increase of the vibration of the object, the additional force generated by the movement of the manipulator and the reaction force of the clamping object, the corresponding algorithm for controlling the movement of the manipulator is introduced.At the same time, the latest research results in the field of human-machine collaboration are introduced and the control methods The existing problems, the development trend of research work is prospected.
目的建立BCG DNA定性用国家参考品,供BCG菌株、卡介菌多糖核酸注射液等卡介菌衍生制品鉴别实验用。方法以紫外分光法检测260nm和280nm的吸光度值,比较A260/280的比值,考量国
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