知识产权作为一种合法的垄断权,一般不受竞争法的规制,但其垄断性往往会使权利人在市场上占据支配地位。随着各国知识产权及竞争法的发展,实践表明各国都对知识产权的行使进行必要的限制,本文以中国的高通案、华为诉IDC案和欧盟的Samsung v.Apple、Motorola v.Apple案为切入点,探究国家在竞争政策与知识产权政策之间的协调与抉择。
Intellectual property, as a kind of legal monopoly power, is generally not regulated by competition law, but its monopoly power often leads the right holder to dominate the market. With the development of intellectual property and competition law in various countries, practice shows that all countries have the necessary restrictions on the exercise of intellectual property rights. This article takes China’s case of Qualcomm, Huawei v. IDC and the European Union’s Samsung v.Apple and Motorola v.Apple as Starting point, to explore the country in the competition policy and intellectual property policy coordination and choice between.