
来源 :现代经济信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:johnsontai1230
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财税有史以来就与人们的经济生活、国家政治息息相关,因此财税改革对民生国运有很大的影响,备受各界人士关注。为了扩大开放、深化改革并跟随世界经济发展,在我国经济转轨阶段,必须首先掌握税收和经济之间的关系,这样才能将税收的宏观提空作用发挥出来、建立起完善社会主义市场经济体制,加强我国各项建设事业和经济跨越式发展。 Since the fiscal and taxation history has always been closely linked with people’s economic life and state politics, the fiscal and tax reforms have a great impact on the country’s livelihood and have attracted much attention from people of all walks of life. In order to expand opening up and deepen reform and follow the world economic development, we must first grasp the relationship between taxation and economy in the stage of economic transition in order to bring the macro-air role of taxation into full play, establish and perfect the socialist market economic system, We should strengthen all kinds of construction projects and economic leaps and bounds in our country.
整体规划是目前企业在信息安全实践中存在的短板之一,在电力行业中也不例外。本文在企业架构(EA)的基础上,介绍了主流的企业信息安全架构(EISA)方法论,其中包括Gartner EISA,