一个可爱的小安琪儿被最爱她的人——亲生父亲奇异地杀害了。英国推销员海韦尔·罗兰把他六岁的女儿芬麻醉后,从一百三十英尺高的桥上推了下去。这位深受痛苦折磨的父亲杀死了他唯一的孩子,因为他无法忍受让他女儿在一个罪恶的世界里成长。三十四岁的罗兰坐在加的夫皇家法院的被告席上,低着头。当他向法官讲述下面这个揪心的故事时,几乎要哭了。 1984年1月的一天,罗兰驾车带芬去伦敦的一家旅馆,要她给妈妈写最后的一个字条,“亲爱的妈咪,很遗憾您不能与我们一起来伦敦,但爸爸会
A cute little Angel was loved by her most loved ones - her own father was killed strangely. British salesman Haywell Roland poked his 6-year-old daughter Fen from a bridge over a 130-foot bridge. The tortured father killed his only child because he could not stand his daughter in a sinful world. The 34-year-old Roland sat down in the dock of the Royal Court of Cardiff, with her head bowed. When he told the judge about the following disturbing story, he almost cried. One day in January 1984, Roland drove Fyn to a hotel in London asking her to write her final note to her mother, "Dear Mommy, I’m sorry you could not come to London with us, but Daddy will