通过对大青山人工生态林林分生长状况的调查分析 ,得出大青山人工生态林的建立是以海拔高度为主要因子划分造林地立地条件类型 ,树种选择在海拔 1 60 0m以上以华北落叶松 ,1 60 0m以下以油松为主要造林树种 ,是符合该地区生态气候条件的。使造林 1 5年~2 1年的林分保存率达到了 83.6~ 92 .0 % ,郁闭度为 0 .6~ 0 .8,并经测定表明 :该人工生态林林分已形成了很好的枯枝落叶层 ,林地土壤有机质含量丰富 ,土壤容重小 ,减少地表径流 ,土壤蓄水能力得到提高 ,增加了地下渗透的涵养水源作用 ,对区域环境已发挥了显著的生态效益。
Through the analysis of the growth status of the artificial ecological forest in Daqingshan, the author found that the establishment of the artificial ecological forest in Daqingshan is based on the altitude as the main factor to divide the site conditions of afforestation land. , The main afforestation tree species with less than 1 60 m under the pine is in line with the ecological climatic conditions in the area. The forest preservation rate from 1995 to 2001 was 83.6-92.0%, and the closed canopy density was 0.6-6.0. The results showed that the artificial forest had been formed Good litter layer, forest soil rich in organic matter content, small soil bulk density, reducing surface runoff, soil water storage capacity is increased, increasing the role of underground infiltration of water conservation, the regional environment has played a significant ecological benefits.