美国交通运输安全委员会(NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARJ,以下简称NTSB)座落在华盛顿特区,有400名雇员,负责美国交通事故及国际相关交通事故的调查。NTSB成立于1972年,它不是政府交通部的一个部门,也不等同于联邦航空署,是一个独立机构。NTSB由五个委员负责,其中一个主席,一个副主席。这五个委员由国会直接任命,主席由总统直接任命,四年一届,国会每年下拨给NTSB的款项为7000万美元。
NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARJ (NTSB) is located in Washington, DC with 400 employees responsible for the investigation of traffic accidents in the United States and related international traffic accidents. Founded in 1972, the NTSB is not a division of the Government Department of Transportation, nor an equivalent to the Federal Aviation Administration. It is an independent agency. The NTSB is headed by five members, one of the chairpersons and one of the vice chairs. The five members are directly appointed by the National Assembly. The chairman is directly appointed by the president. Every four years, Congress earmarked $ 70 million annually from the NTSB.