How to Cultivate the Students’ Interest in English

来源 :教育探索与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cjwmyzl
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  Abstract: As is known to all, interest is the best teacher. So it is the key for teachers to cultivate the students’ interest in English. This paper emphasizes the importance of English learning; helps the students get a right motivation; has a good relationship between teachers and students; uses different kinds of teaching methods to create a harmonious and warm learning environment for students; organizes some activities to cultivate the students’ interest in English.
  Keywords: English;teaching;study;interest.
  “Interest is the best teacher.” Interest can stimulate the students ’enthusiasm and initiative to the highest level. It is important to make students take interest in English .Teachers have to think of many ways to make students interested in English and let them feel English learning interesting. Only in this way can they learn and have a good “harvest”. But what are the ways to develop students’ interest?
  At the beginning of learning English, it is important for the teachers to make the students have a better understanding of it. Teachers should tell them why Chinese students learn English. What is language about English? Only in this way can the students realize the importance of mastering English for the country. They will get a right motivation to learn English well. “Motivation is some kind of drive that encourages somebody to pursue a course of action.” There are two kinds of motivation: instrumental motivation and integrative motivation. Integrative motivation comes from one’s love and interest in the subject. One of the most important aspects in basic education is to foster students’ emotion as a goal when teaching them the subjects. Teachers should pay attention to the positive emotion in teaching practice and improve our teaching by making full use of the positive effect of emotion. So it is necessary for teachers to have a good relationship between teachers and students.
  Successful teaching depends on a harmonious teaching and learning atmosphere between teachers and students. It is important to build a good relationship between teachers and students, which is a tie connecting the teachers and the learners. The relationship between teaching and learning also has something to do with how teachers and students exchange their ideas and emotions. The relationship between teachers and students has an effect on controlling the emotion. “It is never too old to learn” It is very important to improve the quality of teachers. With the development of society, the requirement for teachers’ is improved. To be a successful teacher, he has to have much knowledge, through which he can keep his English up-to-date.   A good method in learning English should at least include the followings:
  (1)Self-study is the method to study actively by the student himself. It is a very important skill in English learning. After class, the teacher should teach students how to take notes, choose suitable reference books and use them correctly so that they can solve the problems they meet by themselves.
  (2)The teacher should make it clear to tell them how to deal with different kinds of exercises, and give them right instructions on how to train the ability to express themselves in both written and spoken form. Students need to be aware that they have to do various kinds of homework like written exercises, compositions or study is the best way to encourage student autonomy. What is more, teachers should choose the right task for the students. When the students form good learning habits, they’ll find it easy to learn a foreign language well and take more interest in it.
  (3).Students are usually sensitive to their teacher’s attitude towards them. A teacher must love her job. If she really enjoys her job, that will make the lesson more interesting. Teachers who are pleased with what they are doing tend to have a negative effect on their students. “A good teacher is an entertainer in a positive sense, not a negative sense.”
  (4)Teachers have to be careful when they point out students’ mistakes in class. If they do it in an insensitive way, they can upset their students and lose their confidence. It is important to praise students for their success. Teachers can use encouraging words such as ‘good’, ‘well done’, ‘fantastic’, etc. to show that students are really doing well. Students can be more active in English class and the English class will be more interesting.
  Suitable activities can arouse the students’ interest in learning English and can give them the chance to use English. They are a great help to English teaching. Some activities are:
  (1) collective activities;
  (2) group activities;
  (3) competitions;
  (4) writing activities;
  (5) games. These activities don’t need much room and time and they are easy to organize.
  All in all, interest is the foundation of success. If the students become interested in English, they will feel English learning is not a burden but a kind of amusement. The teachers have reached the goal.
  [1] A Modern Chinese-English Dictionary Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 2012.392
  [2] Hu Chundong English Language Learning, Nanning: Guangxi Education Press 2011.2
  [3] Jeremy Harmer How to Teach English Beijing, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 2009.17
研究和实践表明,策略胜过知识本身。所谓语文学习记忆策略,是指学习者在完成语文学习记忆任务时选择、使用和调控学习程序、规则、方法、技巧、资源等的思维模式,这种模式是影响学习进程的各种因素间相对稳定的联系,其与学习者的特质、学习任务的性质以及学习发生的时空均密切相关,是一个有特定指向的认知场函数。我们认为,在语文学习记忆最起码应指导学生掌握以下基本策略:  1.口诀学习记忆策略。所谓口诀学习记忆策略,
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摘 要:本文结合自身的实践经验通过文献资料法、专家访谈法、观察法、对比分析法等,分析武术散打运动对跆拳道运动实战技术与训练方法的借鉴进行剖析,为中国武术散打运动合理的借鉴韩国跆拳道技术提供分析与建议。希望通过本文对散打教练员与运动员在实战技术和训练方法方面有所启发,进而提高运动竞技水平,增强散打比赛的技击性、观赏性,从而为散打运动的实战技术与训练方法方面的发展提供可以参考的理论依据。  关键词:散
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摘 要:德育工作是学校教育的关键,是全面发展的组成部分,尽管在农村学校搞好学校德育工作有很大难度,但是我们可以从以下几个方面入手:加强教师职业道德的自我完善,做好学生表率;制定生活化德育目标,搞好务实的德育工作;以实践活动为载体,把德育工作落到实处;发挥家长学校的教育功能,使德育工作形成一个坚实的网络。相信通过这些措施,一定会使学校德育工作快速高效的开展起来。  关键词:德育; 职业道德; 目标;