The Influence of Patronage on the Two Chinese Versions of Sons and Lovers

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  【Abstract】:Under the framework of Rewriting Theory, the author has done a comparative study of the translation differences caused by different patronages between the two Chinese versions of Sons and Lovers in 1983 and 2012. Examples from the two versions are given and different patronages in the 1980s and 2010s are analyzed in this paper. It proves that patronage constraints influence the translation process.
  【Key words】:Sons and Lovers; Chinese translations; Rewriting Theory; Patronage
  Lefevere put forward that patronage “operates mostly outside the literary system”. Patronage means “something like the powers (persons, institutions) that can further or hinder the reading, writing, and rewriting of literature”. (Lefevere, 2004b:15) Patronage can be exerted by persons, groups of persons and institutions. (ibid.) It consists of three elements: an ideological component, economic component and an element of status. (Lefevere, 2004b:16) Patrons influence the translations greatly. They can decide that who will do the translation for them and which translation to be published. Besides, they “can encourage the publication of translations they consider acceptable and they can also quite effectively prevent the publication of translations they do not consider so”. (Lefevere, 2004a:19) Due to the different historical and cultural backgrounds of 1980s and 20102, the influences of patronage on the versions of 1980s and 2010s are also different. In the following, the author will probe into the influence of patronage exerting on the two Chinese version of Sons and Lovers in 1980s and 2010s respectively.
  Between 1950s and 1970s, literature was considered as a kind of ideology which had nothing to do with money or commodity. After 1978, economic construction and achieving modernization were the focus of social construction. China began to adopt the policy of reform and opening up since the ten years’ seclusion from outside world in Great Cultural Revolution. Literary workers who were clearly aware of the backward situation of Chinese literature were eager to know the western academic and cultural achievements. Also, people in that time were expecting to know the outside world. As a main way of introducing western culture, translations published by various publishing houses came into a certain scale soon. As a classic modernist novel, the first Chinese version of Sons and Lovers which translated by Chen Liangting and Liu Wenlan in 1983 was published in 1987 by People’s Literature Publishing House. As a national professional literature publishing agency, it chose Chen Liangitng and his wife to translate Sons and Lovers. Chen Liangting, a professional translator, his several translations had been published by different publishing houses before 1983. One of his translations was published by People’s Literature Publishing House in 1985. Therefore, Chen was a famous translator in that time. It is no wonder that People’s Literature Publishing House determined to publish Chens’ Chinese version. In order to meet contemporary readers’ need, Chen Liangting and his wife adopted the strategy of foreignization to keep the original content and style. Therefore, readers in 1980s could have a taste of foreign flavor. Besides, many notes were added into this version, which made the audience easy to know English culture. Chens’ version also enjoys a good reputation in modern times. It has been printed again in 2006.   The policy of market economy taking the place of planned economy was put forward in 1992. The reforming literary system is proposed as a cultural policy. Writers, literature publications and publishing houses entered market and no longer relied on state funding. Literature had become a commodity in 1990s. The writing, publishing and distribution are influenced and intervened by the selection of market. With the development of socialist market economy and consumer-oriented society in 2010s, the nature of commodities is more obvious in literature works. In order to make more profits and further develop themselves, presses compete with one another. Many publishers cooperate with distributers to make profits together. The readers’ demand becomes more and more important. The need of consumers can directly determine literature works’ fate. The recent version of Sons and Lovers is published by Yilin Press in 2012. In order to meet the readers’ need, Yilin Press published a bilingual version with one Chinese version and an English version. With the trend of globalization, learning English becomes increasingly important. Language ability is a crucial measure either in finding a job or record of entrance examinations. For many college students, passing English examinations is a necessity to graduate, for example, (College English Text) CET-4, CET-6, (Test for English Major) TEM-4 and TEM-8. When hunting for a job, English language ability is essential part of an employee. Nearly everyone learns English, especially students. The targeted readers of classic English literature translations contain not only literature lovers but also many English learners. For publishing agencies, it is a huge and potential market, that’s why so many versions of the same literature work appear. Chen Hongyu adopted the strategy of domestication to translate the novel so that it is very easy to read. When readers read it, they may feel very familiar with the language style and buy it.
  [1] Lefevere, Translation, History and Culture: A sourcebook [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004a.
  [2] Lefevere, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004b.
  [3] D. H. Lawrence, 陈红玉译,儿子与情人 [M].南京:译林出版社,2012.
  [4] D. H. Lawrence, 陈良廷,刘文澜译,儿子与情人 [M].北京:人民文学出版社,1983.
【摘要】:新媒体时代的到来为数字动画技术带来了更多的发展机遇,也使得数字动画技术的应用更加广泛,极大地满足了人们日益增长的精神文化需求。但是,当前我国数字动画技术的应用和发展还存在不足,需要引起相关人员的重视。本文就新媒体背景下数字动画技术的应用现状和发展对策进行了简要的分析。  【关键词】:新媒体背景;数字动画技术;应用和发展  0.引言  新媒体时代的带来改变了人们的生活和娱乐方式,也带动了数
【摘要】: 当前网络信息技术的发展异常迅速,数字媒体技术的发展开始成为主流,结合综合艺术理论,形成数字媒体艺术。具体是通过艺术化的形式对信息进行加工、采集和传播等设计形式,由此在艺术、文化以及教育等多个领域当中获得有效的应用。其中图形影像开始在数字媒体艺术当中获得广泛的应用,并且取得了良好的效果。本文针对数字媒体艺术中图形影像设计的应用进行分析,对图形影像的表现手法进行归纳,期望能够以此提供相应参
【摘要】:奥古斯丁在《忏悔录》中对于“光”之内涵作了一种全新的诠释,通过对《忏悔录》中关于“光”的诠释作再诠释和文本分析,奥古斯丁在《忏悔录》中所进行的关于光的内涵,光的等级,光的体验将得以呈现,从而达致奥古斯丁的“光”之诠释和意义的理解。  【关键词】:奥古斯丁;《忏悔录》;光;光照说  “光”是中世纪美学中一个十分重要美学的因子。奥古斯丁认为“……美在于各部分的适当比例,加上一种悦目的颜色。”
【摘要】:舞台数字媒体影像作为数字媒体时代下产生的一种新的艺术表现形式,它随着数字媒体的发展而发展。对于舞台数字媒体影像而言,其设计应当与其所要表现的内容为依据,也就是表演,表演是舞台数字媒体影像设计的核心,只有根据表演情节来进行设定,才能让媒体影像更好地为舞台表演服务,使影像内容更具表演性,带给观众更好到的视觉享受。本文就舞台数字媒体影像设计的探索及思考进行了相关的分析。  【关键词】:舞台数字
【摘要】:网络作为第四媒体,近几年来迅猛发展,网络对于信息传输与共享的作用越来越大,网页设计的艺术系受到人们的重视,如何使受众从内容繁杂的界面有效获取有用的信息,通过合理的编排,使网页更加符合受众的审美习惯。通过对网页设计进行艺术创新,使受众与网站实现双赢,在满足受众需求的同时,促进网站的运营。  【关键词】:网页设计;艺术创新;创新  在知识经济时代下,网络对于信息的传输与共享有着重要作用,网络
【摘要】:大学校园公共设施“名片化”设计是将校园抽象文化物质化的过程。本文从设计艺术学的角度,分析了大学校园公共设施“名片化”设计过程,探讨了公共设施在大学校园景观设计中的应用研究,提出了如何将公共设施应与该校园景观环境相协调,且能充分体现该校园的文化特点并保持其个性的观点。  【关键词】:校园文化;“名片化”设计;公共设施  公共设施是由众多要素构成并相互作用的综合体,这个综合体主要包括自然和人
【摘要】:苏轼以旷达见称于世,他的智慧之高,慧根之深常常让人敬佩。他的思想复杂又自称体系,佛学对他的影响渗透在他的心态、文化性格、诗歌创作和书画理论当中,构成了苏轼特有的、珍贵的文艺思想,为宋代及后世的文学理论的发展做出了巨大贡献。  【关键词】:苏轼;佛学;文艺思想;自然;旷达  苏轼的思想受儒释道三家的共同影响,其中佛家思想对他的影响既深刻又深远。他的一生并不顺畅,除去童年与青年时期的春风得意
【摘要】:近年来,动画设计和动画行业的发展较为迅速。动画设计需要利用到现代化的数字媒体技术,随着科学技术的不断发展,数字技术和数字媒体的技术革新为我国动画设计的发展提供了更多技术支持,也为动画设计带来了更多的发展机遇。然而,要促进动画设计的长远发展还需要技术人员能够加强对数字技术和数字媒体的认识。本文在此基础上对数字媒体、数字技术以及数字媒体技术对动画设计的影响进行了简要的分析。  【关键词】:数
千户苗寨带给我们的是一场独特的建筑艺术视觉“盛宴”。建筑历史悠久,风格独特。西江苗寨的人们因人口众多,良田稀少,苗族人修建房屋时依山傍水、顺势而下、前后错落,生动别致的建筑与周围环境融为一体,使得苗居与天地万物浑然天成。  图1 千户苗寨全景图  15日,一早我们一行人就上山寻找有特色的苗居进行测绘,雨中的苗居显得更有韵味,蜿蜒的山路别有风味。最终,我们选定几处具有代表性的民居,开始了我们的测绘工