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【本刊讯】GREEN MOUNTAIN在高海拔和极限地区的防寒服装方面有着丰富的经验,本着对冬季户外运动级别的了解,清楚地知道在各个海拔高度和气候条件下,应当有什么样的出色产品面对冬季户外运动的环境。例如羽绒服的保暖取决于填充羽绒的充绒量,蓬松度和含绒量;蓬松度用以衡量羽绒产品的松软蓬起程度和隔热能 【本刊 信】 GREEN MOUNTAIN has rich experience in cold clothing in high altitude and extreme areas. Based on the understanding of winter outdoor sports level, it is clearly known how well it should be at all altitudes and climatic conditions Products for the winter outdoor sports environment. For example, the warmth of the down jacket depends on the amount of filling, loft and lint of the filled down, loftiness measures the degree of fluffiness and thermal insulation of the down product
摘 要:随着新课程标准在中学教育中的逐步实施,初中英语已经不单单依靠传统的教育教学模式来指导学生,它更注重其教育过程本身对学生的吸引力度,初中英语分层阶梯教学法,在引导学生正确学习的同时,拓展学生学习英语的思维,开阔学生在英语学习方面的视野。针对分层阶梯教学法的意义以及实际应用展开探讨。  关键词:初中英语;分层阶梯法;实际意义  传统的教育教学模式一直存在“大帮哄”的特点,但由于学生自身智力与自