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青萍之末看风疾1992年秋,礼县西汉水两岸60公里乡村正沉浸在苹果丰收的喜悦中。满山遍野,是男女老幼的欢声笑语;公路沿线,到处都可看到色味俱佳的大红苹果如山如岳,山南海北的外商争相到礼县购运名甲陇原的花牛苹果。改革开放的扩大,使这个养在深闺人不识的偏僻山区也显得热闹而红火。就在这个金秋之际,新一届礼县县委、县政府的领导班子正式担负起带领全县48万人脱贫致富的重任,杨志奇便是这届班子中的副书记。常委分工他分管组织、政法、信访等项工作。按理,外地调来的同志初来乍到,刚开始也有个熟悉工作环境,接触认识下级,熟悉群众的过程,杨志奇却显得有些特别,多年养成的工作习惯,使他一刻也闲不住。这天下午临下班时,综治办主任赵清海正要迈出办公室,却见通讯员说,杨书记叫他晚饭后来一下。 Qing Ping at the end of the wind disease In the autumn of 1992, 60 kilometers across the Western Han River in Li County, the countryside is immersed in the joy of harvest of apples. Manshanlianye, is the laughter of men, women and children; along the road, everywhere you can see the color of red apple, such as mountains and mountains, Shannan Haibei foreign vying to county gift Longjia Huaxian Apple. The expansion of the reform and opening up, so that this indifferent in the remote mountainous areas are also bustling and prosperous. Just this golden occasion, the leadership of the new county government and county government of Li County officially shouldered the task of leading 480,000 people out of poverty and becoming rich in the whole county. Yang Zhiqi was the deputy secretary of this session. Standing division of labor in charge of his organization, politics and law, letters and visits and other work. Logically speaking, comrades from other places have just arrived, and at the very beginning there is also a familiar working environment. They are familiar with the masses when they come into contact with subordinates and are familiar with the masses. However, Yang Chih-ching seems to be somewhat special and has worked for many years to rest idle for a moment. When it came to get off work this afternoon, Zhao Qinghai, director of the Comprehensive Management Office, was about to take his office. However, he said he was told by a correspondent that Secretary Yang called him after dinner.
10月份,全国70个大中城市房屋销售价格同比上涨8.6%,环比上涨0.2%。其中,京、沪、穗、深等一线城市成交价量创年度新高,但受史上最严宏观调控影响,上升箭头急转直下。 In Oc
本文对TCu220C和AIZA T IPCS 52宫内节育器(IUD)进行了临床比较性研究,目的在于降低IUD的副作用及脱落率或提高避孕效果。 TCu220C是一个T形IUD,它带有能电解的纯铜套(Colla