2016年4—6月江西省气温略偏高,降水偏多,日照略偏少。主汛期主要特点是入汛早(3月23日入汛,较常年提前9 d),暴雨和强对流天气过程多,降水量和降水强度大,局部灾情重。4月全省总体气温偏高,降水量偏多,日照时数偏少。月内暴雨和强对流天气频发,暴雨天气过程间歇短,累积降水量大,局地降水强度大。昌江、抚河、赣江等多条河流水位超警戒线,局部地区出现洪涝灾害。长期阴雨寡照天气,对江西省油菜成熟、收晒以及蔬菜等作物生长不利。5月全省气温与往年持平,降水量偏多,日照时数略偏少。月内暴雨和强对流天气频发,不利于早稻晒田控蘖、油菜堆垛后熟与脱粒
From April to June in 2016, the temperature in Jiangxi Province is slightly higher, with more precipitation and slightly lower sunshine. The main characteristics of the main flood season are flood season (March 23 into the flood, compared with 9 days earlier than usual), heavy rain and strong convective weather process, rainfall and precipitation intensity, heavy local disaster. April the overall temperature in the province is high, too much precipitation, sunshine hours less than normal. Heavy rains and strong convective weather in the month, heavy rainy weather intermittent process, cumulative precipitation, local precipitation intensity. Changjiang River, Fuhe, Ganjiang River and many other rivers over the warning line, floods in some areas. Long-term rainy weather, the rape of Jiangxi Province mature, sun and vegetables and other crop growth adversely. The province's temperature in May was the same as in previous years, with a large amount of precipitation and slightly lower sunshine hours. Severe storm and convective weather over the month is not conducive to early tillering Tan Tian tillering, rape stacking and threshing