很好。向辛勤工作在税务工作岗位上的全体同志 (包括海关 )衷心致意 ,并祝贺新年。明年是国企改革关键的一年 ,也是各项改革攻坚的一年 ,困难较多 ,均要依靠税收的支持。希望你们继续贯彻“加强征管、堵塞漏洞、惩治腐败、清缴欠税”的工作方针 ,严格依法治税 ,在征税和改革方?
well. I would like to express my sincere greetings to all the comrades (including the Customs and Excise Department) who work hard in the tax office and congratulate the New Year. Next year is a crucial year for the reform of state-owned enterprises. It is also a crucial year for various reforms. There are more difficulties and all rely on the support of taxation. I hope you will continue to implement the working guideline of “Strengthening Levy and Collection, Clogging Loopholes, Punishing Corruption, and Paying Taxes Offenders”, and strictly enforcing the tax according to law. In the process of tax collection and reform?