蜜蜂是果农、菜农的天然助手,又是轻工业原料(蜂蜜、蜂蜡)的提供者,因此人们不仅在筛选杀虫剂时以至在应用一种杀虫剂时都要注意它对蜜蜂的毒性,而且要给蜜蜂防治病、虫害。蜜蜂会生一种微粒子病(nosematosis),它的病原虫是孢子纲、丝孢子亚纲、微孢子目、单丝孢子亚目的Nosema apis。对此药剂疗法有:(1) 喂以含有磺胺哒嗪(0.7克/升)加金霉素(40万单位/升)的糖浆,兼有防效和疗效;(2) 喂以含抗菌素Fumadil B 2.5~10毫克/毫升的糖浆,有人试过连续喂14个月未见有抗药性出现。
Bees are the fruit growers, natural assistants of vegetable growers, and the providers of light industrial raw materials (honey, beeswax), so people not only pay attention to its toxicity to bees not only when screening insecticides, but also when applying a pesticide. To bees to prevent disease, pests. Honeybees give rise to a kind of nosematosis. Its protozoa are Nosema apis of the genus Sporozoa, Cyclospora subclass, Microsporozoite, and Monospore. For this drug therapy are: (1) fed with sulfadiazine (0.7 g / liter) plus chlortetracycline (400000 units / liter) of syrup, both anti-efficacy and efficacy; (2) fed with antibiotics Fumadil B 2.5 ~ 10 mg / ml of syrup, someone tried to feed 14 consecutive months no resistance emerged.