参加第三批省巡回医疗队的一部分医务人员共二十四人,满怀着为贫下中农服务的热情,来到崇山峻岭的宁都县边缘山区,为山区人民防病治病.这个巡回医疗队被分配到距宁都县城一百多里地的璜陂、大沽地区的两个人民公社,开展农村卫生工作. 是毛主席的话给了他们鼓舞和力量医疗队下到农村后,大家好象进入了一个新的世界.两个公社范围方圆上百里,特别是大沽公社,到处崇山峻岭,山坡陡峭,沟壑纵横,生产队之间村庄稀落,群居分散.开始,有些同志在巡回医疗时,老是背着个药箱在公社附近的地方转,一天也看不上几个病人.有的队员也下到大队或生产队为农民看病,但晚上还要回到公社来住,来回跑路时间就要大半天,有的队员一天走上十里八里,就腰痛腿痠.个别队员出诊时,上山要人拉,走路要人牵,过桥要人扶.还有的队员嫌农民家里脏,农民请他喝水,他要先看看碗里脏不脏,农民让条櫈子给他坐,他
A total of 24 medical workers who participated in the third batch of provincial touring medical teams came full of enthusiasm for service to the poor and middle peasants and came to mountainous areas on the edge of Ningdu County, a mountainous area for the prevention and treatment of diseases in mountainous areas. To the two people’s communes, which are more than a hundred years away from the capital city of Ningdu County, carry out rural health work in the townships of Huangchuan and Dagu, which are more than a hundred years away from the capital city of Ningdu County. After Chairman Mao gave them encouragement and strength to go to the countryside in the medical team, everyone seemed to have entered one New World: The two communes are within a radius of a hundred miles, especially the Dagu Commune, with mountains and steep slopes, steep slopes, ravines and ravines, villages scattered among production teams, and scattered communities. Carrying a medicine box in the commune near the turn, a day also disdain for a few patients.Some members also went to the brigade or production team for the farmers to see a doctor, but at night they have to return to the commune to live, back and forth running time To most of the day, some players walked a long way in the last eight miles, low back pain .Some individual member visits, the mountain people pull, walked by people, too busy bridge support .And the team members suspected peasant family dirty, farmers please He drinks water, he must look first Look dirty bowl dirty, peasants let him sit down stool, he