【摘 要】
One day a man found, to his surprise, that his cat had climbed onto the top of abig tree and that it kept on mewing nervously as it just dared not jump down fr
One day a man found, to his surprise, that his cat had climbed onto the top of abig tree and that it kept on mewing nervously as it just dared not jump down fromwhere it was. Then the man immediately made a telephone call to the nearest firebrigade and a few minutes later, several fire fighters arrived on the scene and the cat
One day a man found, to his surprise, that his cat had climbed onto the top of abig tree and that it kept on mewing nervously as it just dared not jump down from where it was. Then the man immediately made a telephone call to the nearest Firebrigade and a few minutes later, several fire fighters arrived on the scene and the cat
The countryside is a piece of m
断指再植,或是将脚趾移植到手指,这些已经是外科手术中广为应用的办法,而本文却让我们领略一种崭新的修复断指的手段。文章称之为tissue engineering,我们是否能称之为“人体
这是一则来自罗马(意大利)的消息。婚姻不能自主,引发了多少人间的悲喜剧!意大利南部的少男少女往往通过“一夜私奔”(英语称one night eloping trip,当地人称fuitina),来造
这个标题非常触目,标题中的Stature就是“身材”的意思。标题可以四字直译:矮人命短。这并非是对现代人的研究结果,而是一种考古的发现:Therisk of death before age 30 decl
这是一条来自吉隆坡(马来西亚首都)的消息。情人们因在情人节那日表现得too cuddly(喜欢搂搂抱抱的;喜爱抚的)而得走上法庭。根据马来西亚的伊斯兰教的法律,情侣间’close pr