
来源 :四川党的建设(城市版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snwkq
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近年来,我省各级党委从加强班子自身建设入手探索基层党建发展新模式,使党建工作在产业链上领跑,成为引领经济社会发展的龙头,推动经济建设的加速器。以党建促发展,我省各地不断探索新做法,取得新成效…… In recent years, Party committees at all levels in our province have started to explore the new model of party-building at the grass-roots level by strengthening their own self-construction and have led the work of party building in the industrial chain. They have become leading accelerators of economic and social development and accelerators of economic construction. To promote the development of the party building, throughout the province continue to explore new ways to achieve new results ......
摘 要:价值取向的科学与合理是知识产权刑法保护的核心。从价值取向来看,我国知识产权的刑法保护,应采用保护主义为主,以自由主义为辅;同时应该保护私权优先,兼顾竞争秩序的维护。本文在分析我国现有知识产权刑法保护体系不足之处,提出了完善的几点设想:采取结合型立法模式,充分发挥附属刑法的作用;加强知识产权行政执法与刑事司法的衔接;修改"以营利为目的"的限制条件。  关键词 : 知识产权 刑法保护 立