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目的:对遭受孕产妇死亡的家庭所面临的因病致贫风险进行识别及特征分析,对我国农村地区发生孕产妇死亡的家庭有针对性的扶贫和保障工作的进行提供基础数据资料。方法:从2009年6月至2010年10月,对河北、河南和云南省农村地区共195户孕产妇死亡家庭(在知情同意后)进行了入户调查。采用灾难性费用的发生作为衡量因病致贫的风险,对比了不同特征的家庭发生灾难性费用的风险。结果:有56.2%的孕产妇死亡家庭发生了灾难性费用。其中支付能力越低,面临发生灾难性费用的比例越高;家庭规模偏大或偏小、非劳动力比例高、家中无60岁以上老人及家中有14岁以下儿童的家庭,发生灾难性费用的比例较高;家庭成员受教育程度低、成年男性成员比例低、农民成员比例高的家庭,其发生灾难性费用的比例较高。结论:支付能力低、家庭人口负担高和人力资本存量低的孕产妇死亡家庭,其面临灾难性费用的风险较高,政府扶贫工作应重点关注这部分家庭。 OBJECTIVE: To identify and characterize the risk of poverty caused by maternal death and to provide basic data for the targeted poverty alleviation and safeguarding of families in maternal deaths in rural areas in China. METHODS: From June 2009 to October 2010, 195 maternal death families (after informed consent) were surveyed in rural areas of Hebei, Henan and Yunnan provinces. Using catastrophic costs as a measure of the risk of poverty, the risk of catastrophic costs for families with different traits is compared. Results: 56.2% of maternal death families had catastrophic costs. Among them, the lower the ability to pay, the higher the proportion of catastrophic catastrophes; the larger or smaller families, the high proportion of non-labor force, families without people over 60 years old and families with children under 14 at home, with disastrous costs There is a high proportion of families with low education level, low proportion of adult male members and high proportion of farmers with a high proportion of catastrophic costs. Conclusion: Maternal death families with low payability, high family burden and low stock of human capital have a higher risk of catastrophic costs. The government should focus on this part of the family for poverty alleviation work.
海南会展业近期迎来利好消息。中共中央、国务院最近印发的《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》提出,海南大力发展旅游业、现代服务业和高新技术产业,包括建设海南国际设计岛、理工农医类国际教育创新岛、区域性国际会展中心。  业界专家表示,海南地处泛珠三角经济区、北部湾经济区交汇点,将海南定位为“区域性国际会展中心”,有利于海南与粤港澳大湾区联动发展,加强与东南亚国家的合作交流,增强区域辐射带动作用,促进国际展览
今年政府工作报告提出,积极利用外资。大幅缩减外资准入负面清单,出台跨境服务贸易负面清单。赋予自贸试验区更大改革开放自主权,加快海南自由贸易港建设,在中西部地区增设自贸试验区、综合保税区,增加服务业扩大开放综合试点。营造内外资企业一视同仁、公平竞争的市场环境。  在当前我国经济仍然面临下行压力之际,保持外商投资的稳定增长至关重要。稳外资的核心在于打造良好的营商环境。为适应全球自贸协定发展的新格局,我