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长夏时节,一天之内温差较大,中午热早晚凉,暑湿隐藏在身体里,暑湿天气最容易产生肠胃疾病。中医认为,湿为阴邪,好伤人体阳气,尤其是脾阳,脾脏受损,能导致脾气不能正常运化。那么如何判断体内有湿呢?1.起床时:看感觉如果每天早晨起床的时候觉得特别疲劳,头发昏,打不起精神来,或是像穿了件湿衣服一样,浑身不清爽,人也懒得动,那么可以肯 Long summer season, the temperature difference within a day, noon hot morning and evening cool, summer wet hide in the body, summer weather is most prone to gastrointestinal diseases. Chinese medicine believes that the wet evil evil, good to hurt the human body yang, especially spleen, spleen damage, can lead to temper can not be normalized. So how to determine the body is wet? 1.When getting up: to see if you feel tired every morning when you get up, the hair faint, can not afford to spirits, or like wearing a wet clothes, unhappy, Too lazy to move, then you can be willing to