脑中风现代医学统称急性脑血管意外,它是当前40~60岁以上老年人的常见病。这种病发生快、病情重、发病率和病死率都很高。发病后除极少数患者恢复工作外,其余幸存者都失去生活自理能力,终身受疾病痛苦的折磨。据有关资料统计,世界各国脑血管疾病平均死亡率在100/10万人口/年左右。1979年我国北京、上海14 个城市统汁,脑血管疾病死亡率平均高达135.3/10万人口/年,仅次于日本少数国家,高于美国,占全部死亡人数的24.1%,超过恶性肿瘤和冠心病而居首位。引起脑中风的病因很多,而中年以上的老年人最常见的疾病,是高血压病和粥样动脉硬化病。前者是由于小动脉长期痉挛、缺血、缺氧,引起小血管通透性改变,使血管内的有形成分渗入血管内膜下,使
Stroke Modern medicine collectively referred to as acute cerebrovascular accident, it is the common disease of the elderly over the age of 40 ~ 60. The disease is fast, heavy, with high morbidity and mortality. In addition to a very small number of patients after the onset of recovery work, the remaining survivors have lost their ability to take care of themselves, suffering from life-long suffering torture. According to relevant statistics, the average death rate of cerebrovascular diseases in all countries in the world is about 100 / 100,000 population / year. In 1979, the mortality rate of cereal vascular diseases in 14 cities of Beijing and Shanghai in China averaged as high as 135.3 / 100000 population / year, second only to a few countries in Japan and higher than that in the United States, accounting for 24.1% of the total deaths, exceeding malignant tumors and Coronary heart disease and the first place. The causes of stroke are many, and the most common diseases of middle-aged and elderly people are hypertension and atherosclerosis. The former is due to chronic arterial spasm, ischemia, hypoxia, causing changes in the permeability of small blood vessels, so that visible components of the blood vessels into the intima, so that