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阅读教学作为语文教学过程中的重要组成部分,其价值不仅能够拓展学生的知识视野,而且,对学生思想品德形成、审美情趣的培养以及分析能力和探究能力的提高也起着非常重要的作用。因此,在素质教育下,我们要挖掘语文阅读教学的价值,以为学生综合而全面的发展打下坚实的基础。一、在阅读想象中培养学生审美情趣审美情趣是语文素养的重要组成部分,在素质教育下,教师要引导学生进行阅读,让学生在阅读中充分发挥自己的想象力,进而让学生在想象中得到审美体验,提高审美能力。例如,在阅读《桂林山水》时,为了让学生获得审美 As an important part of Chinese teaching, reading teaching can not only broaden students ’horizons of knowledge, but also plays an important role in forming students’ ideological and moral qualities, developing their aesthetic taste, and improving their analytical ability and inquiry ability. Therefore, under the education of quality, we should excavate the value of Chinese reading teaching to lay a solid foundation for the comprehensive and comprehensive development of students. First, in reading imagination to develop aesthetic taste of students aesthetic taste is an important part of Chinese literacy, in quality education, teachers should guide students to read, so that students in reading to give full play to their imagination, and then let the students in the imagination Get aesthetic experience, improve aesthetic ability. For example, reading “Guilin Landscape”, in order to allow students to get aesthetic