Positive Attitudes

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   “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms—to choose one’s own attitude in any given set of circumstance, to choose one’s own way.” Viktor Frankl [1]
  n illness left Helen Keller blind, deaf, and mute at 21 months of age. Although she lived in a world of silence and darkness, she became a voice of hope and a light. It wasn’t easy for her. She struggled in her mind to find a connection to others, a door to the world. When she did, she held the door for others, making it possible for many people to believe in themselves.
   When Malcolm X [2] was in prison from 1946—1952, he could have vegetated. Instead, he spend those years educating himself. He copied every word from the dictionary, learned about Black Muslims, and became a convert. Upon his release from prison, he draw national attention for his writing and powerful speeches.
   Joe Paterno, a coach of the Penn State University football team, once said after losing a game that losing was probably good for the team, since that was how they learned what they were doing wrong.
   Today, “having an attitude” usually means a bad attitude (as in “He’s got an attitude!” or “Don’t give me any attitude!”)
   Your attitude is your point of view, your outlook on life, your state or frame of mind. It determines the choices you make and how you feel about the people, things, and events around you. If your attitude tells you “Algebra id boring,” that’s how it will seem to you, and you probably won’t do your best in that class. Similarly, raking leaves can either be torture or fun. Why not have fun?
   When you have positive attitudes, you can choose how to react to each situation you encounter. You can’t choose everything that happens to you, but you can choose what you think, feel and do. This gives you enormous personal power—to control yourself from the inside out, to direct your own future. ♥
   1. Viktor Frankl:奥地利神经学家、精神病学家,犹太人大屠杀幸存者。
   2. Malcolm X:伊斯兰教教士、美国黑人民权运动领导人物之一。
同学们经过近一年的紧张复习,各方面渐趋“成熟”,进入“收获”阶段。可是,“成熟”不等于“收获”。那么,在高考冲刺阶段,怎样进行科学合理的安排调控,才能在高考中有令人欣喜的收获呢?  一、听力训练调控策略  考试的第一项就是听力,听力做得满意了,对后面的试题会更加充满自信。  因此,在冲刺阶段,高度重视听力的“应试训练”,要“少而精”。最好的听力材料是历年高考真题。必须强调的是,在使用真题听力材料时
一、认真学习《考试说明》  高考已经进入冲刺阶段,师生首先要认真学习《考试说明》,因为它是高考命题的纲领。如果能把这个由命题专家写出来的材料结合起来阅读和研究,就会加深对高考的理解;有效使用《考试说明》,能减少复习过程中的盲目性,提高复习实效。   二、考什么就复习什么  动词时态、语态、情态动词、非谓语动词、名词、形容词、副词、连词、冠词、代词、介词、虚拟语气、复合句、强调句、感叹句、倒装句、反
从今天距一年一度的高考仅两个多月的时间,考生已经进入倒计时的“临战”阶段,此时高三的同学们有必要启动复习的“最优化”方案。  所谓“最优化”方案就是对于重点语言知识的梳理以及语言知识的运用,在最后冲刺的复习过程中间,同学们要保持良好的心情,尽力完成以下几个方面的任务:  1. 重点知识梳理 重在运用  应该重点梳理的知识是:词法:词和词组的辨析能力,语法:时态语态;非谓语动词;情态动词;代词等,句
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