What is 'zheng' in traditional Chinese medicine?

来源 :中医科学杂志(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:babaxsj
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Zheng is a distinct diagnostic concept in TCM.In order to understand this concept well,in this article,the definition and features of zheng,zheng identification in contrast to Western diagnostic process,and different zheng identification methods are syste
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<正> 第二届中韩医学(肝胆病)学术研讨会于1995年8月19日在韩国汉城召开。来自中国中医药学会、中国中医药学会内科肝胆病专业委员会、北京、上海、天津、江苏、河北、河南、
Objective:Hyperuricemia is an excess of urate in blood.The kidneys play important parts in urate excretion,which involves handling reabsorption and secretion.A
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作者采用咔唑法对西洋参芦头、生晒参芦头和红参芦头中果胶含量进行了分析。结果表明,其芦头果胶含量依次为 3.505%(西洋参),2.456%(生晒参)和 2.454%(红参)。
Objective:To investigate the biochemical constituents of the fruits of Terminalia bellerica(Gaertn.)Roxb.(hereafter termed T.bellerica)and estimate the anti-can