As for the importance and necessity of the bonus system, revolutionary mentors Lenin and Chairman Mao have long ago made glorious expositions. The wise leader, Chairman Hua, pointed out in the report on the work of the government of the Fifth National People’s Congress that “the wage system for state-owned enterprises carries out the system of giving priority to timekeeping, supplemented by piece counting, and time-based and rewarding, and provides job subsidies for those who are labor-intensive and have poor working conditions In the socialist labor competition, spiritual encouragement and material encouragement should be combined with spiritual encouragement and material encouragement supplemented. ”However, in order to usurp party and government power and restore capitalism, the“ gang of four ”should, on the bonus issue Created endless chaos. They advocated egalitarianism, opposed the distribution according to work and totally negated the bonus system, seriously dampening the enthusiasm of the masses and causing great losses in production. In the third campaign currently exposing “gang of four ”, the system of bonus