“My Neighbor Rosicky,”one of the representative short stories by Willa Cather,the American local colorist famous for her de scription of frontier life on the Great Plains,conveys Cather’s deep understanding about life.In this paper,the author attempts to apply Jung’s archetypal theory to the analysis of Mr.Rosicky,the hero of the short story and gets the conclusion that Mr.Rosicky is in constant pursuit of“Rebirth”through the medium,“the ground.”
“My Neighbor Rosicky, ” one of the representative short stories by Willa Cather, the American local colorist famous for her decription of frontier life on the Great Plains, conveys Cather’s deep understanding about life.In this paper, the author attempts to apply Jung’s archetypal theory to the analysis of Mr.Rosicky, the hero of the short story and gets the conclusion that Mr.Rosicky is in constant pursuit of “Rebirth ” through the medium, “the ground. ”