玉米大斑病是由大斑病长蠕孢Exserohilum turcica(pass)Lconard&suggs[Helmithosporcum turcicum]在玉米上引起的一种较严重的叶枯性病害。在该病大发生年份,感病品种减产可高达50%以上。由于玉米本身的生物学特性和病源菌存在生理分
The maize leaf spot is a more serious leaf blight on maize caused by the major conchospora sp. Exserohilum turcica (pass) Lconard & suggs [Helmithosporcum turcicum]. Years of occurrence of the disease, susceptible varieties can be as much as 50% reduction in production. Due to the biological characteristics of corn itself and the existence of pathogenic bacteria physiological points