
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qqq1254
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Objective. - Evaluate the compliance to the national guidelines from ANDEM (1996) and AFSSAPS (2003)- concerning the diagnosis of infertility, the prescription of clomiphene and the monitoring of these treatments. Patiests and methods. - Retrospective study of female patients from 16 to 50 y.o. having benefited from reimbursement of clomiphene citrate treatment between 1st April 2002 and 30th June 2002. After random sampling stratified on age, data on diagnosis procedures and treatments were extracted from the Social Security reimbursement database. These data were validated and completed by patients’ interviews. Results. - A total of 283 women were included. 30% were subject to the basic hormonal tests (FSH, LH, estradiol). The proportion of patients explored by hysterosalpingogram, post- coital test and echography were respectively 50% , 35% and 68% . A semen analysis was found in 60% of the partners. The complete set of recommended tests before start of treatment was realised in 1.5% of women. In 7% of cases, women were treated without prior exploration. The proportion of tests performed was comparable below and above the age of 35. 77% of treatments were initiated after at least one year of waiting for a spontaneaous conception. 69% of women were monitored during treatment by other methods than clinical follow- up. Conclusion. - Prescription of clomifene citrate is too frequently realised without compliance to guidelines applicable to infertility investigations and therefore without persuasive diagnosis. These practices can lead to loss of childbearing opportunities and complications.u001a Evaluate the compliance to the national guidelines from ANDEM (1996) and AFSSAPS (2003) - concerning the diagnosis of infertility, the prescription of clomiphene and the monitoring of these treatments. Patiests and methods. - Retrospective study of female patients from 16 to 50 yo with benefited from reimbursement of clomiphene citrate treatment between 1st April 2002 and 30th June 2002. After random sampling stratified on age, data on diagnosis procedures and treatments were extracted from the Social Security reimbursement database. These data were validated and completed by patients The proportions of patients explored by hysterosalpingogram, post-coital test and echography were 50% respectively. The proportions of patients explored by hysterosalpingogram, post-coital test and echography were 50% 35% and 68%. A complete analysis of the semen analysis was found in 60% of the partners. The complete set of recommended tests before start of treatment was real in 1 . 7% of cases, women were treated without prior exploration. The proportion of tests performed was below below and above the age of 35. 77% of treatments were initiated after at least one year of waiting for a spontaneaous 69% of women were monitored during treatment by other methods than clinical follow-up. Conclusion. - Prescription of clomifene citrate is too frequently realized without compliance to criteria applicable to infertility investigations and therefore without persuasive diagnosis. These practices can lead to loss of childbearing opportunities and complications. u001a
2012年2月,俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔·普京与俄罗斯信息通信集团(ICT)总裁Alexander Nesis一起主持了占地250 000m2的季赫温货车工厂的开业典礼。这个高科技工厂将拥有年生产13
The graphene oxides(GOs) have attracted multidisciplinary study because of their special physicochemical properties. The high surface area and large amounts of
目的 :探讨长期居住海拔 50 0 0m以上地区人群睡眠呼吸障碍的特征以及红景天复方和乙酰唑胺的调节作用 ;方法 :对居住海拔 5380m高原一年的 2 4名青年随机分为A组 (红景天组