大规模诱导突变体时,在M1代筛选候选多性状共变突变体,有助于提高在后续世代中筛选稳定遗传突变体的效率并获得聚合育种所需优异多基因共变体.利用0.4%甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱导处理早熟大豆品种“延农11”种子,在严格控制全试验区环境保持均一的条件下,通过全生育期整株对比观察和鉴定,筛选候选突变体.结果表明:大豆种子经EMS处理,产生了18种类型突变;不同性状的突变率为0.1%~0.2%:多性状共变体的突变性状数为2~5.筛选出4个负向超亲极端表型突变体,其单株荚数、单株粒数和单株粒重只有野生型的1/2~ 1/3.筛选出5个正向超亲极端表型突变体,其单株英数、单株粒数和单株粒重分别为野生型的1.9~3.0倍;其中,抗倒伏、超荚数、超粒数和超四粒荚候选突变体M1-31,其单株粒数、单株粒重和四粒荚数分别是野生型对照最高值的2.1,1.9和3.7倍.在突变体群体中,一粒荚与二粒荚、二粒荚与三粒荚呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);一粒荚与三粒荚呈正相关、一粒荚与四粒荚呈负相关、二粒荚和三粒荚与四粒荚呈正相关,但相关系数都很小(r<0.2,P>0.05).试验可为借助高通量表型组学鉴定技术,在M1候选突变体的后续世代群体中,高通量筛选真实遗传的多基因共变突变体,建立高容量的突变体库、发掘和解析大豆功能基因奠定基础.“,”In large-scale induction of mutation,screening of hereditable mutants at subsequent generations depends on the identification of candidate mutants from M1 population induced by EMS,and screening of multi-trait mutants is helpful to polygene aggregation breeding.In the experiment,with an early-maturity soybean cultivar “Yannong 11” as material,mutations were induced by 0.4% EMS treatment of soybean seeds,and by the phenotypic evaluation of the whole plant performance,candidate mutants were identified and screened.The results showed that 18 types of mutations occurred;mutation rate for each trait varied from 0.1% to 0.2%,and the number of traits mutated of each composite trait mutant was from 2 to 5.In addition,4 negative transgressive multi-trait mutants were screened;their individual plant pod number (IPPN),grain number (IPGN) and grain weight (IPGW) were only 1/2 to 1/3 of the wild type.Five positive transgressive multi-trait mutants were screened;their IPPN,IPGN and IPGW were 1.9 to 3.0 times as much as the wild type.Among these,candidate mutant M1-31 was characterized by resistance,super pod number,super grain number and super four-grain pod number,and its IPGN,IPGW and four-grain pod number were 2.1,1.9 and 3.7 times as much as the wild type.In mutant population,one-grain pod and two-grain pod were significantly correlated (P<0.01),so were two-grain pod and three-grain pod.One-grain pod was positively correlated with three-grain pod,and one-grain pod was negatively correlated with four-grain pod,whereas two-grain pod and three-grain pod were positively correlated with four-grain pod,but with low correlation coefficients (r < 0.2,P > 0.05).These data are helpful to high throughput screening of mutants from subsequent generation progeny populations derived from M1 candidate mutants,which will lay a foundation for constructing high-capacity mutant pools,and exploring and analyzing functional genes in soybean.