生猪税费的征管工作是一项复杂、系统的工程 ,涉及到畜牧、工商、税务等国家职能机关。在市场经济条件下 ,如何加强生猪税费征管工作 ?为此 ,需要研究一套切实可行的征管办法。仁寿县富加区 1987年 8月开始实行“三员合一 ,税费同行”的征管体制后 ,使每年的税费入库到位率和同
The collection and management of hog taxes is a complicated and systematic project involving state agencies such as livestock husbandry, industry and commerce, and taxation. Under the market economy, how to strengthen the tax collection and management of pigs? To this end, we need to study a set of practical collection and management methods. Renshou County Fuga District in August 1987 began implementing the “three-one, tax and fee counterparts,” the collection and management system, so that the annual tax deposit rate and the same place